
how to, human hair wigs, wigs

How to keep your wigs Fresh!

Summer is finally here and the sun and warmth is starting to bring back the nostalgic vibes of road trips and beach outings. Now that quarantine is officially over and everyone can travel again, we thought it would be a good idea to share some of our best advice when it comes to changing up […]

uniwigs blue wig
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Feeling Blue? 5 Blue UniWigs Wigs to Fulfil Your Pastel Blue Aesthetic Goals

Feeling down? Or maybe just bored in life? If you’re craving a change, the easiest way to make a change is to start with your hair! Blue is a pretty color that can fulfil your unique pastel blue aesthetic. In color psychology, pastel blue promotes feelings of calmness and softness. Pastel blue is a light […]

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How to Highlight Brunette Hair Color in a Snap

If you have black hair, it doesn’t mean that you can’t dip your strands into the opposite side of the hair color spectrum. Think about adding some highlights in the hair to create a glossier look and some dimensional into the hair to make your hair look more fabulous. That’s what we call getting the […]

Prom Party, what's new, wigs

Top 3 Spring 2021 Styles

You came here for major hair inspiration, and I am here to deliver. One good thing about 2020 was that quarantine and lockdown left creatives a lot of time to get inspired. Which meant that even though fashion shows and red carpets weren’t what they once were—some were virtual, others had pared-down guest lists, others were outright canceled—the looks […]