Mistakenly thought to be a strictly male disease, women actually make up 40% of American hair loss sufferers. Hair loss in women can be absolutely devastating for the sufferer’s self image and emotional well being. Since hair loss doesn’t appear to be life threatening, most physicians pay little attention to women’s complaints about hair loss and essentially tell their patients that “it’s no big deal”, and that “you’ll just have to live with it.” Here, UniWigs would always love to help and get you covered.
Hair loss starts with a diffused pattern at front hair line or the middle parting line. Most ladies suffering from this stage of hair loss will need a hair topper with the small base size.
UniWigs Solutions:
This is the stage of hair loss where the scalp becomes noticeable through the Top or Crown of the head. A Hair topper with the medium to large base can match the needs.
UniWigs Solutions:
Hair loss at this stage is typically very noticeable and completely bald areas of the scalp are visible. The largest of base sizes will work to completely conceal hair loss. Some women with advanced stage hair loss may want to consider shopping for a full wig.
UniWigs Solutions:
You can find more solutions for hair loss from UniWigs.com, no matter you need synthetic hair, 100% human hair or extensions.
Further Reading: Hair Loss